
Having fun makes learning more sustainable
Good ideas come about when people are actively involved and free to exchange ideas with each other. When they are having fun and are able to shape their own path to knowledge, they learn in a more sustainable way. That is why interaction and empowerment are the basic principles of our work - when we develop educational modules and serious games as well as when we conduct workshops and trainings.
Interactive methods are a means, not an end
Does every method suit every occasion? Of course not! The choice depends on the project's objective and the participants' interests. Not every method fits, not everything has to be interactive. It is crucial to find the right mix, which is why we start each project by asking ourselves: "Who is the target group?" and "What is the goal?"
Accepting contradictions and learning to understand other perspectives
We encourage people to accept contradictions and develop empathy for other perspectives. Most of all, we like to raise questions and challenge perceived certitudes - and thus reveal the complexity of socio-political problems. In a safe environment, we facilitate the exchange of perspectives and experiences and enhance skills.
We stand by our core values
In our cooperation with other organisations, we take a clear stance when necessary: we do not work with clients who violate our fundamental values. This includes organisations or institutions that represent anti-democratic, racist, fascist, sexist or otherwise discriminatory positions or positions that violate human dignity. When conducting our formats, we take care not to reproduce such positions and oppose them when they are expressed in discussions.
We never stop learning
Even after more than 2,500 events in Germany and abroad with well over 250 different partner organisations, we are still learning every day. New methods, new topics, new formats, new partner organisations, new participants, new staff, new places - the steady flow of new impressions and influences is inexhaustible. Lucky for us! It is the only way we can continue to develop ourselves and our contemporary, interactive educational work.
Only the enthusiastic can inspire enthusiasm
It is important for us to enjoy our own work. Only those who are enthusiastic can inspire others. And only those who do not take themselves too seriously can really put the participants in the centre. It is important to maintain professional composure in decisive moments, to be able to react spontaneously and flexibly. After all, in a live situation, things tend to deviate a bit from what was planned.
Joy in meaningful work
We want to do something meaningful and contribute to building solidarity, participation, and democratic skills in society through our work. We also try to live this internally: The development of new ideas and concepts needs space, trust, mutual support, and fun - only then can we unleash the creative energies that make up our innovative concepts.
Analogue, digital, online, blended, hybrid - as long as it's interactive!
Digital and analogue formats do not represent a contradiction. On the contrary, untold possibilities lie in their natural combination. Our simulation game platform Senaryon is used for online as well as on-site events and in blended learning settings. For collaborative work on concepts and ideas, we also use other digital tools - always with the aim of encouraging participants to address complex ideas and topics independently. Online and on-site phases can also be combined in the implementation.