Our portal “Teaching Europe” provides materials for interactive workshops and participation-oriented teaching. It is aimed at teachers and trainers in both formal and non-formal education. Since its launch, "Teaching Europe" has become a household name not only among teachers in Berlin - thanks to its modular structure, its precise adaptation to curricula and its ease of implementation. 

There are twelve modules to choose from, which differ in terms of learning objective, method, duration of implementation and preparation required. All modules can be used individually. A detailed handout also offers suggestions for suitable module combinations for different target groups. They can be used individually or combined to form a complete series of lessons or a workshop lasting several days. 

The materials help to build skills and knowledge in the fields of perception, analysis, and judgement, and leave room for open-ended discussions on Europe and the EU. 

With just a few clicks, multipliers can download the free materials sponsored by the Berlin Senate Chancellery. Each module is explained in a short manual, while a more detailed manual suggests combinations of modules for specific target groups. On request, we also provide training for teachers and multipliers. 

The methods are designed for groups of up to 30 youngsters aged 15 and over but are also suitable for adults of all ages. The activities last between 30 and 135 minutes, preparation time for the implementation of the modules is usually 20 minutes max. The methods were designed for groups of up to 30 people and young people aged 15 and over, but are also suitable for younger and older adults. All activities last between 15 and 135 minutes, the preparation time for the implementation of the modules is usually 10 minutes to a maximum of 30 minutes for the simulation games lasting several hours. 

All materials were updated following the 2024 European elections by January 2025 and supplemented by two new modules ‘M2 Europe crossword puzzles’ and ‘M12 EU&DU - participation opportunities’.

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